Classright - Installation by Admin

  1. Go to your Google Workspace Admin Console.

  2. Click on “Google Workspace Marketplace”.
A. Go to Google Workspace Admin Console
  1. Search for Classright.

  2. Click on Classright to start installation.
B. Search for Classroom in Google Workspace marketplace

Click on “Domain Install”.

C. click on domain install

Google would inform you that Classright needs permission to run, click on “CONTINUE”

D. Click on Continue
  1. You can turn on Classright add-on for everyone OR only for users in given Organizational Units.

  2. Accept Classright’s terms of service and privacy policy, once/if satisfied, checkmark it.

  3. Click on ALLOW
E. Allow Classright access to your domain users

Classright has now been installed in your domain. You can verify it as following:

  1. Go to Google Workspace Admin console and click on “Apps”.

  2. Go to Google Workspace marketplace apps
F. Go to G Suit marketplace apps

You should see Classright listed here with the status “On for everyone” OR one for some.

F. You would see Classright listed now

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