Classright - Create Courses

Please ensure you have followed the guide to setup Google Sheets for Classright from the add-on's setup wizard, at this time you should see Classright sheets in your Google Sheets.

  • To create Courses (Classes), go to the sheet tab called 1.1 Create Courses.

  • Enter the details for your courses (course name and classroom owner email are required), rest of the details are optional.

  • If you would be the owner of these courses, you can simply put “me” in the classroom owner email column, but if you want someone else to own the course, then type their full email address.
12. enter details to create google classes
  1. Go to Add-ons
  2. Click on Classright
  3. Click on Courses Manager
  4. Click on 1.1 Create Courses
13. Click on create courses from Classright menu

You would notice that the script started working.

14. Classright script would start running

Your courses would be created, and would output-:

(i) Course Creation Status

(ii) Enrollment Code

(iii) Course IDs

15. Courses would be created

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